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Batman: Caped Crusader Episode 9 Review

2 minute read

Episode 9, ‘The Killer Inside Me’, starts with Harvey Dent dreaming about becoming mayor, but the cheers of the crowd soon change into jeers as they turn on ...

Batman: Caped Crusader Episode 8 Review

1 minute read

In Episode 8, ‘Nocturne’, two kids Dickie and Jason sneaking out of bed at night to check out the ‘Carnival of Human Oddities’ setting up camp. Despite Jason...

Batman: Caped Crusader Episode 7 Review

1 minute read

Episode 7, ‘Moving Target’, begins with Barbara and James arguing about her client being let off on a technicality, with Gordon believing the cops did a flaw...

Batman: Caped Crusader Episode 4 Review

2 minute read

In ‘The Night of the Hunters’, Gotham is abuzz with mixed feelings about Batman, especially after his rough handling of cops at the museum in the previous ep...

How to set article dates for Jekyll sites

1 minute read

If you happen to publish multiple posts in markdown on the same day, only to find that Jekyll displays the posts out of order, then this post is for you.